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Monday, 12 April 2010

Bakerella's Mickey & Minnie Mouse Cake Pops

Oh my gosh!!! Bakerella (all time favourite baking goddess & cake pop inventor extraordinaire) has truly excelled herself where no other person on this earth can - she made Mickey & Minnie Mouse Cake Pops! She's even got the full instructions on how to make these amazing goodies too via here. Aren't these simply the most awesome edible creations ever???
I've never made cake pops, only admired them from afar - like really far far away on Bakerella's website where you'll find all kinds of sweet treats, great food photography and of course recipes.
The Cake Pops have been such a success that Bakerella will be launching her very own book - exciting stuff or what?

creating cake balls from cooked cake mixture which has been crumbled and mixed with ready made frosting (i think that means icing sugar?) Pop in fridge to harden up a little

making the chocolate ears - you can use chocolate buttons & small cookie cutter to cut out a little chunk as above

The white candy is melted into a heatproof bowl (like melting chocolate/or microwave) and a few drops of black colouring is added & mixed well until you get the desired shade of black.

Taking a few cake pops at a time, Dip the tip of a lollipop stick into the melted coating and insert into the cake ball. Then, grab two candy melt ears and dip the cut side into the melted candy coating. Attach the ears to the top/side of the cake pop and the coating will set like glue.When dry, the entire cake pop is dipped in.

Minnie Mouse in the making - confetti hearts were used to create the bow.

Sprinkles and confetti for the eyes, nose & tongue. Edible pen was used to draw in the mouth - wish all these little bits were available in Greece!

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