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Monday, 29 March 2010

Iman Biyaldi - Stuffed Aubergine

Feeds 4 hungry big people
What you need:
Make it!
  1. Slice Aubergines lengthway and scoop out the meaty fleshy bit, leaving 1.5cm thick edge.
  2. Heat the oil and saute the onions with the aubergine flesh for around 5 minutes til soft.
  3. Add the cumin seeds, garlic, tomatoes, tomato purée, pepper and salt and simmer for a few minutes
  4. Spoon the mixture into the aubergine 'shells'
  5. Place the aubergines into an ovenproof dish and carefully pour round the hot water.
  6. Cover with foil and bake at 200°C/gas 6 for 40 minutes or until aubergines are tender, topping up the water if it evaporates too quickly.
  7. Sprinkle with parsley & serve.
Taken from The Vegetarian Society – (recipe created by the Cordon Vert cookery school)

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