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Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Santorini's speciality: Fava dip

Ok, so I'm allowed this as i'm substituted ingredients to make it vegan, except that when i made it this morning i actually forgot it was on the hob (whilst doing other stuff) so it went a bit mushy. Draining the water out was not easy task, resulting in a Fava style soup than dip. So no pictures from me today. This, however, is what it's supposed to look like and it is yummy with fresh, warm bread!

What you need:
- 1 cup of fava to 2 - 2 1/2 cups water approximately
- 1 1/2 small onion
- extra olive oil
- 1/2 a lemon, salt
Make it!
- wash the fava lentils well
- set to boil in a large non-stick cooking pot, (medium
heat) adding enough water to create a thick paste.
- keep checking in case the fava has dried out
- half way though cooking time add a roughly chopped
small onion & 2 tablespoons of olive oil (optional)
- salt to taste
- when the fava is cooked, remove from fire & allow to cool
- blend or mash the mixture well
- scoop the amount you want into a serving dish & place
the remainder of the mix in the fridge to use later
- SERVE with an extra lashing of olive oil, half a squeezed
fresh lemon & 1/2 a roughly chopped onion to dress
Fava dip can be served warm or cold

Recipe from

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